Why Dogs Like Chewing Eyeglasses: An Exploration into Canine Behavior


Dogs are curious creatures with a penchant for exploring the world through their mouths.


This behavior, while endearing, often leads to the destruction of household items, including eyeglasses. Understanding why dogs like chewing eyeglasses involves delving into their natural instincts, behavioral patterns, and the environmental factors that contribute to this seemingly mischievous habit. This essay examines the reasons behind this behavior and offers insights on how to prevent it, ensuring both your dog’s safety and the longevity of your eyeglasses.

Natural Instincts and Chewing Behavior

Chewing is a natural behavior for dogs, rooted in their instincts and developmental stages. Puppies, for instance, chew to relieve the discomfort of teething. As their adult teeth emerge, the act of chewing helps to soothe their gums and expedite the teething process. This behavior can continue into adulthood as a means of maintaining dental health. Chewing helps clean their teeth, reduce plaque buildup, and strengthen their jaws.

For many dogs, chewing also serves as a way to explore their environment. Dogs use their mouths to investigate objects, similar to how humans use their hands. Eyeglasses, often found lying around the house, become intriguing items for them to examine, especially if they carry the scent of their owners.

Behavioral and Psychological Factors

Beyond natural instincts, several behavioral and psychological factors contribute to a dog's tendency to chew eyeglasses:

1. Attention-Seeking Behavior
Dogs are highly social animals that thrive on interaction with their owners. If they notice that chewing on eyeglasses elicits a reaction, whether it’s a stern reprimand or an amused chase, they may continue the behavior to gain attention.

2. Boredom and Lack of Stimulation
A bored dog is more likely to engage in destructive behaviors like chewing on eyeglasses. Dogs need mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Without adequate exercise or engaging activities, they may resort to chewing on household items to alleviate boredom.

3. Anxiety and Stress Relief
Chewing can be a coping mechanism for dogs experiencing anxiety or stress. The repetitive action of chewing helps to calm them and release pent-up energy. Eyeglasses, especially those with the familiar scent of their owners, can provide comfort to anxious dogs.

Preventing Destructive Chewing

Understanding the reasons behind this behavior is the first step in preventing it. Here are some strategies to help keep your eyeglasses safe from your dog’s teeth:

1. Provide Appropriate Chewing Alternatives
Ensure your dog has access to a variety of chew toys. Different textures and flavors can keep them engaged and satisfy their chewing instincts. Rotate the toys regularly to maintain their interest.

2. Keep Eyeglasses Out of Reach
Make a habit of placing your eyeglasses in a safe, inaccessible location when not in use. A designated spot, such as a drawer or a high shelf, can prevent your dog from accidentally finding them.

3. Increase Physical and Mental Stimulation
Engage your dog in regular exercise and playtime to burn off excess energy. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and training sessions can provide the mental stimulation they need to stay occupied and content.

4. Address Anxiety Issues
If your dog’s chewing is driven by anxiety, identify and address the root cause. Creating a safe and secure environment, using calming aids, or consulting with a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer can help manage anxiety-related behaviors.

5. Positive Reinforcement Training
Teach your dog what items are acceptable to chew on by using positive reinforcement. Reward them with treats and praise when they choose their chew toys over forbidden items like eyeglasses.


Chewing is a natural and necessary behavior for dogs, but it can become problematic when directed at inappropriate objects like eyeglasses. Understanding the underlying reasons for this behavior, whether it’s natural instincts, boredom, or anxiety, can help in developing effective prevention strategies. By providing appropriate chew toys, ensuring sufficient physical and mental stimulation, and using positive reinforcement, dog owners can protect their eyeglasses and foster a happy, healthy environment for their furry friends. Embracing these strategies not only preserves household items but also enhances the well-being and happiness of the dog.



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